Posted September 27, 2021 

Like most producers in all three prairie provinces, this harvest has been challenging. Our Nutrien Ag Solution’s Innovation Acres finally received the needed rain- although it was at the end of August, about two months too late. Glad to see some moisture for replenishment but it did create logistical challenges to harvest and now regrowth of the second crop of 2021.

Now with all the challenges aside, I am happy to report three of the four crops have been harvested! On Sept 9th, CLAAS came out to harvest our AAC Broadacres VB wheat, Altorado barley, and EXP TruFlex Clubroot canola. Even though it was a tough year with very minimal rainfall, yields were better then expected. Westlin 60 flax will be preharvested shortly and we hope to see that in the combine in the next few days!

On the topic of yields, the forages on the Salinity project got baled in late July. Two acres of a mix plot of Halo 2, AC Saltlander, and Salinemaster yielded 27 small bales! A big feat considering minimal rainfall and scorching summer heat. Forages were absolutely the best choice on these acres to look towards making a profit and improved land management of marginal acres.

The next steps on the acres harvested are to apply a fall application of herbicide. We hope to set these acres up with the cleanest start for 2022. Look to the next blog for final flax yield numbers and plans for 2022. There is always next year, right?


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Clubroot Comando Celebrate Canola Contribution

Posted March 31, 2021

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